Downthemall Firefox

  1. Downthemall Firefox How To Use
  2. Downthemall Firefox
  3. Downthemall Firefox Extension
  4. Downthemall Firefox 57

DownThemAll is a Firefox add-on that's also a powerful download manager.

Open the DownThemAll window and you can view all the links, pictures and embedded files within the current page. Filters allow you to select, say, all the archive files or JPEG images in a single click. Then click Start! and DownThemAll will grab all your files at high speed. (It splits files into multiple sections, then downloads these in parallel for an extra performance boost.)

Downthemall Firefox How To Use

Different to traditional Firefox add-ons, DownThemAll! Does not use real overlays and overlay scripts, but kind of simulates overlays via modules. Chrome/content/ - UI. Right now, due to historical reasons and some too-tight coupling the UI JS also contains some of the important data structures such as QueueItem (representing a single queued.

The program provides full control over the download process. So if you find DownThemAll is using too much bandwidth, say, then you can pause your downloads while you do something else, and resume them later. And you're able to rearrange your queued files into your desired order, so the most important will arrive first.

DownThemAll had more than 2.5 million active users. With the release of the palpably fast Firefox 57, better known as Firefox Quantum, users have been hoping for an upgrade for a long time now. Its main feature was the ability to download files in pieces and resume downloads even after interruptions. Is a useful Mozilla Firefox extension that helps you save as many items as possible from a webpage within just a few clicks. As with most browser components, this add-on can be easily.

Downthemall FirefoxFirefox
  1. Thanks to Scott DeVaney, who first reached out to me, and “zephyr” from the mozilla Add-ons Editors team and maybe others, who reviewed the extension, DownThemAll! Is now listed as a Recommended Firefox extension. The old DownThemAll! (up to version 3.0) was a long term recommended add-on, too, and I am happy that the WebExtension now is as.
  2. The author of DownThemAll did not port the extension to Firefox's new WebExtensions system that Mozilla launched in 2017 officially with the release of Firefox 57. The main reason was a lack of APIs to create a copy of the extension; with many APIs not ready at the time and some features not being considered at all, it looked as it DownThemAll.

There's also a useful option to automatically rename downloaded files. The program allows you to add tags that will define a file's destination folder and file name, according to details like the website URL, link description, date and time of download, and more.

Downthemall Firefox

And if you don't like any of this, the good news is that just about every element of DownThemAll's operations can be tweaked in its detailed Preferences dialog. The maximum number of downloads, retry policy, how to be alerted when a download is complete, link filters, privacy settings, interface options and more are all available for speedy customisation, allowing you to set up the program to run exactly as you need.

What's new in 4.2.4 (see changelog for more)?

Downthemall Firefox Extension

- Fixed an issue where sorting in the selection window would eventually queue the wrong items


Downthemall Firefox 57

DownThemAll is an excellent Firefox extension that easily outperforms many stand-alone download managers