Pyplot Cheat Sheet

A box plot’s whiskers are the lines that extends from the 1st or 3rd quartile to points farthest from the median. The upper whisker of the box plot is the largest dataset number smaller than 1.5IQR above the third quartile and the lower whisker is the smallest dataset number larger than 1.5IQR below the. Cheatography is a collection of 4308 cheat sheets and quick references in 25 languages for everything from programming to maths! Behind the Scenes If you have any problems, or just want to say hi, you can find us right here.

  1. Pyplot Cheat Sheet Excel
  2. Pyplot Cheat Sheet
  3. Pyplot Cheat Sheet Pdf

Python Cheat sheet (from your instructor) Note: All of these commands are based on Python 2.x versions not 3.x This by no means is comprehensive, but it will help you with a few tasks in lab 1 and HW 1. 1) Reading a file into the python environment file='myfile.txt' fl=open(file,'r')! 2) Writing and calling executable python files. Python Cheat sheet (from your instructor) Note: All of these commands are based on Python 2.x versions not 3.x This by no means is comprehensive, but it will help you with a few tasks in lab 1 and HW 1. 1) Reading a file into the python environment file='myfile.txt' fl=open(file,'r')! 2) Writing and calling executable python files.

Matplotlib is used to plot graphs so it is often used alongside Numpy.

Always use:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np (assuming numpy is always used with matplotlib)

  • Plotting a 1D array:


  • Plotting a 2D array:

Colour images:

image = np.array([[0,1,2],[3,4,5]])

plt.imshow(image, cmap = # creates the image based on the array image and #cmap (colour map) jet

plt.colorbar() #creates a legend bar #displays the plot

  • Adding labels to the graphs:

plt.xlabel(“Insert label for x axis here”)

plt.ylabel(“Insert label for y axis here”) – Pyplot tutorial

Pyplot cheat sheet pdf

Some frequent needed utilities in Python data scripts —— good to have it by hand when facing puzzle.



Data Loading




Pyplot Cheat Sheet Excel




Dealing with missings


Apply function

Pyplot Cheat Sheet

Dealing with datetime

Categorical to dummy

concat & join


Differencing & Cumulation

Sliding Window Apply

Regular Expression

Descriptive Stats

Numerical stats


Pyplot Cheat Sheet Pdf

Basic Charts

Feature Engineering


Feature Binarization

Generating Polynomial Features

Feature Selection

Filter methods

Wrapper Methods


Frequent Used Pieces

Linear Regression


Random Forest

Time Series

Tuning & Validation

Training/Test split

Cross Validation

Exhaustive Grid Search